Each person who takes the SMQ, whether taken online or via paper and pencil, will receive two reports; Stress "Risk" Profile and the Detailed Stress Report.
The STRESS "RISK" PROFILE is automatically generated by the computer after the completion of the SMQ online. For the Print Version of the SMQ, each person creates his or own Profile based upon the results of the SMQ. The Profile is a one page summary of a person's risk level on the 11 SMQ scales. Risk is determined by comparing the scores with the norm group.
The DEAILED STRESS "RISK" REPORT is sent to the person who has taken the SMQ typically the same day or within 24 hours from the Stressmastery office. The Report shows exactly how the assessment take answered each of the 87 questions as well as their level of "risk" from Low to High. See examples below and click on the image to see a larger example: