Becoming a Stressmaster Associates provides an opportunity to add a strong "profit center” to your professional services, training or consulting business. Associates purchase Stress Mastery assessments and training products at a discount rate use in thier own training or coaching programs or to resell to businesses, corporations, federal/state/local governmental agencies or, even, other consultants. The key end-user of our materials is the “in-house” trainer or program facilitator within a company or organization. Other groups are equally important, such as external consultants and trainers…like yourself.
While increasing revenue is is a leading motivator to becoming an Associate, equally important is the desire to help people under stress, particularly those in the world of work. Associates use the Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ) in their own training and coaching. Our goal is help you improve, enhance and expanding your own stress management, wellness or stress mastery programs, while improving your own bottom-line! |
With over 30 years of experience in the design, development and implementation of stress mastery and management programs, workshop and seminars for small to large companies and organizations, government agencies and non-profits, we have the experience and expertise to provide you with the guidance you need to build and expand your professional training or coaching business. Whether it is conceptualizing a new stress management program, designing materials to be used in your Stress Mastery program or discovering best ways to uncover potential new clients, we know what path to take so that you succeed. Most assistance is at no cost to our Associates. However, if you want more hands-on coaching, such as designing a new website, creating new presentation materials, developing a complete marketing and advertising plan, we do charge a nominal fee based upon the area, timing and needs.
The Stressmaster Independent Associate program provides professionals like you with our proven effective stress management (mastery) tools, training materials and techniques for designing and delivering highly effective stress mastery programs, workshops and seminars. As an Associate you can immediately tap in to over 30 Resources that will enable you to enhance or expand your current stress management program.
Associates receive the current version of our comprehensive Facilitators Trainers Manual(143 pp). This manual is the result of years of experience providing companies with a variety of stress management training programs. The manual guides both experienced and new stress management professionals in the design, creation and delivery of high quality stress management programs. The Facilitators Manual provides essential information about how to integrate the SMQ into virtually any training program. To learn what is included, click to See Table of Contents. In addition, the the Facilitators/Trainers Manual, Associates have access to over 3 hours of virtual training videos on how to conduct a Stress Mastery Program that includes over 20 professionally developed PowerPoints for use in training. Click to see all Resources.
The central benefit of becoming an Associate is to have access to all of the training and development materials to help you design and implement a high quality STRESS MASTRY PROGRAM (SMP). The SMP has been years in the making and is founded evidence-based stress manastery training, coaching, research and "real world" experience in companies like KPMG, Federal Reserve Bank of SF, DeBeers, CitiBanamex, JPMorgan, State of Arizona DES, and hundreds of other large and small companies and organizations worldwide. Our proven effective tools have been tested and evaluated in a wide variety of companies and organizations and have helped over 600,000 people in 16 countries gain a deeper and better understanding of their stress and how to master it. Each person who participates in a Stress Mastery Training Program recieves the...